IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Computing


June 23-26, 2025, Brest-France

Paper submission > Instructions to authors

Papers guidelines

Papers must satisfy the following conditions:

1. Papers should be original, written in English and not currently under review in another conference or journal.

2. Use IEEE template for conference proceedings available at (choose Conferences > LaTeX | Word). Please, do not add page numbers.

3. No mention of author names (the reviewing policy is double-blind). Authors using latex have to use the following statement in their file: \author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Anonymous Authors}}

4. Papers submitted should be in PDF format.

5. Paper Size: A4 (210mm x 297mm).

6. Paper Length: long papers should have 6 pages, posters 1 page, including figures, tables and references. For submission, posters should be under A4 format. The final version, after acceptance should be under A0 format following the template (see “link to come”).

7. New authors cannot be added after submission deadline.

Before starting paper submission

An account on (or HAL or is needed in order to register or submit a paper to ICETC 2025.

You can create your Sciencesconf account by connecting here (the default language is french – see FR on the right; It can be changed to english or spanish).

You can also create your account through the ICETC 2025 conference website by using the button that is close to « login ».

Before submitting your paper, you need to connect to your Sciencesconf account.

Review Process

All submitted papers will be reviewed by independent reviewers.
All papers must be formatted according to the given IEEE template.
Paper acceptance will be based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of presentation.
Authors must make sure that they submit previously unpublished papers to this conference.

Awards & Participation

All accepted papers that are presented will be awarded a presentation certificate.
The Best Paper certificate will be awarded to the author(s) of the best paper. The selection will be based on reviewers' comments and recommendations of the session chair.

Proceeding Publication

All papers accepted and presented from the conference will be submitted for publication in IEEE Xplorer or Scopus indexed Proceedings Series.

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